We’re seeking corporate partners to help us build a brighter future for young refugees in Australia through sport.


Are you looking for a way to give back or get involved? If our initiatives align with your company values, we’d love to hear from you. Your partnership can help us achieve a far greater impact for happier, healthier communities.

How we can work together:

  • Donations
  • Corporate advertising at charity events 
  • Grow our volunteer program
  • Improve our visibility in the community 

What are your benefits?

  • Employee satisfaction: Facilitating community engagement initiatives can have better employee retention, satisfaction, and engagement than those without. Employees want to feel proud of their workplace.
  • Professional development: Volunteering can offer opportunities for professional development, especially when employees specialised skills are utilised. These skilled volunteers can make the relationship more meaningful for your company
  • Public Image: Improve consumer confidence. Today’s consumers are especially careful about the products they choose to purchase. 
  • Marketing: It’s a chance for your business to improve community-wide reputation and trust